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Empathic Systems

6月14日(金)から8月9日(金)までフランクフルト芸術協会(ドイツ?フランクフルト)にて、「Empathic Systems」というテーマのもと、本学卒業生の藤堂高行さんが展示に参加します。

The Frankfurter Kunstverein has invited Yves Netzhammer, Theo Jansen, and Takayuki Todo to present a selection of their works in solo shows, under the shared thematic title “Empathic Systems.“ The works of the three artists use varying aesthetics and result from completely different artistic processes. Nonetheless, all the works share a corporeal appearance despite being synthetically made, and are capable of touching the viewer solely through the form of their physical activity in space, beyond any linguistic conceptualization.
